philippine literature
Biyernes, Mayo 25, 2012
Huwebes, Mayo 24, 2012
II. Students Outputs of E-Portfolio
Ballares, Charlene
Casatañeda, Mylene
Lopez, Grace
Luig, Ian
Mambaro, Merry Chris
Tabilla, Charish
Taño, Sheila Mae
Traje, Lemuel
III. Literature as a Platform in Education for Sustainable Development
Literature & Education

believed that enriching people’s life with knowledge and enjoyment of
the arts was key to building a fair society and creating
opportunities. Dickens 2012 is committed to following Dickens’s
educational mission by supporting learning activities around the
world, from teachers’ conferences and family workshops to creative
writing master classes and writing competitions.
1. Literature offers the best way of teaching extensive reading skills.
Non-literature reading programs, and especially programs for
non-native speakers, focus on short passages. Big international surveys
such as PISA (or tests of basic skills) are based on many readings of
very short passages. Yet extensive reading is a different kettle of
fish. To read something longer, you need to stay aware of
macrostructures such as plot.
2. Literature offers a way of linking the emotional with the intellectual.
If students are to learn reading effectively, they have to remember
significant turns in plot, and this will only happen, in the first
instance, if those turns have emotional impact. So it harnesses the
emotional to the cognitive. When literature does what it should, though,
it acts against the alienation of the emotional and the intellectual.
3. Literature teaches values with emotional force. To take an American example, To Kill a Mockingbird
is at once a condemnation of America, and a celebration of an
archetypal American hero: the man who stands up to defy his whole
community in defence of what's right (the same character as John Proctor
of The Crucible, in a way). Khaled Hosseini does something similar in A Thousand Splendid Suns
when Mariam stands up to accept her death in defence of her co-wife
and her co-wife's children. Students need to feel the force of these
things, or values will not be strong in their lives--but they also need
to be able to defend themselves. There's nothing about literature that
says it always has to be moral. Many people think that the Yugoslav
war comes down in part to poetry, to the sort of thing Serbian
students learned in school. Karadzic is an expert on folk ballads.
4. Literature has the power to change destructive ways of thinking on many levels. In
my life, poetry has been a wonderful thing. When your emotions bear
down on you to see the world in a negative light, and believe that it's
not you, it's just real, at a time like that, you need something as
powerful as poetry. It can crystalize what you feel at that moment, or
it can transform it into something better. I believe in memorizing
poetry. If you memorize a poem, it will become a part of your emotional
structure, and it can only do that because its structure is
unyielding. It will not give, and that's why it is worth it to you.
When I was in teachers' college in Montreal in 1983, I read George
Gabori's wonderful book When Evils Were Most Free.
was a political prisoner in Stalinist Hungary. When he was in
solitary confinement, he exercised his mind by trying to remember all
the poetry he ever knew. He says by the time he got out, he could
recite for eight hours at a stretch without repeating himself. That is
how important literature is.
5. Literature is about reality.
Some of you out there have probably read deconstructionist criticism
from the eighties that goes on about literature being only about
itself. What nonsense. Literature is about itself in so far as it is a
self-contained system. But so is mathematics, and yet the bridges
built by mathematical calculation stay up. "Poems are imaginary
gardens with real frogs in them." Who said that?
IV. Reflection in Literature
That literature is a reflection
of the society is a fact that has been widely acknowledged. Literature
indeed reflects the society, its good values and its ills. In its
corrective function, literature mirrors the ills of the society with a
view to making the society realize its mistakes and make amends.
It is necessary to take a close look at some works of literature, in
order to understand how literature actually reflects the society.Thus, literature is not only a reflection of the society but also serves as a corrective mirror in which members of the society can look at themselves and find the need for positive change
It also projects the virtues or good values in the society for people to
emulate. Literature, as an imitation of human action, often presents a
picture of what people think, say and do in the society. In literature,
we find stories designed to portray human life and action through some
characters who, by their words, action and reaction, convey certain
messages for the purpose of education, information and entertainment.
V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to Literature
V. Integration of Education for Sustainable Development to Literature
Education is the foundation for
sustainable development. It is a key instrument for bringing about changes in
values and attitudes, skills, behaviors and lifestyles consistent with
sustainable development within and among countries.
The concept of sustainable development
includes the key areas of society, environment and economy, with culture as an
underlying dimension. The values, diversity, knowledge, languages and
worldviews associated with culture influence the way Education for sustainable
development is implemented in specific national contexts.
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